
Raisin Bread Recipe

Raisin Bread Recipe

Try this delicious Raisin Loaf Recipe. It is full of healthy fruit and ideal for the kids school lunch. If you are tired of normal bread then bake this bread for a change.

Banana Muffin Recipe

Banana Muffin Recipe

This is the perfect Banana Muffins Recipe it is so easy to make, wholesome and the perfect way to start any morning of the year. These muffins are perfect for breakfast and tea time.

Banana Bread Recipe

Banana Bread Recipe

Looking for the perfect grab or a-on-the-go-breakfast idea? Do you simply have to many very ripe bananas in the fruit bowl? This Banana Bread recipe is the easiest banana bread ever. The Banana bread is delicious once it has been taken out to oven with smear of butter. This Banana bread is so moist that this recipe from my mom’s cookbook will be the only recipe you will keep forever. This Banana bread also freezes very well.

Sweetcorn Muffin Recipe

Sweetcorn Muffin Recipe

Sweetcorn muffins can be served warm or cold, tasty either way. The sweetcorn muffins go great with soups too. They will keep for 3 days in a sealed container and can be frozen for one month.

Tuna Toastie Recipe

Tuna Toastie Recipe

[adrotate group="1"]This Tuna Toastie makes a tasty and filling lunch.  I started making tuna toastie open sandwiches this way years ago, while the children were still at home and now even the grandchildren enjoy them.  This recipe is so easy to mix up. Quick to cook....

Wholemeal Muffin Recipe

Wholemeal Muffin Recipe

Wholemeal Muffins are a tasty filling snack. They are great wholemeal muffins to have for breakfast or a late night snack. This Wholemeal Muffin recipe will soon become your favorite breakfast recipe keeper!

Cheese Scone Recipe

Cheese Scone Recipe

There can’t be anything better than lovely warm, buttery cheddar Cheese Scones. These Cheese Scones are perfect to serve any time of the day. These Cheese Scones yummy and soft in the middle and full of cheesy flavors. They can also be served with strawberry jam and cream.

Hello, darlings, I'm Anna, your culinary conspirator, unearthing old classic recipes and giving them a mischievous twist; stick around, and if you're good, I might just spice things up by sharing a few crazy stories from my kitchen adventures as we whisk and stir our way through the joys of timeless cooking!

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